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With over 30 years’ experience working in maternity and women’s health in both Ireland and the UK; Fiona has deeply imbedded, and hands on, clinical knowledge & experience gained from time caring for women with both high risk and complex pregnancies and those opting for physiological birth at home and in birth centres. Fiona is passionate about providing evidence based person centred care. In her time at the Rotunda Hospital Fiona established the largest community midwifery service in Ireland with 10 antenatal clinics provided in local areas across North Dublin and County and an early transfer home service for 3,000 mother/baby dyads per year.
Fiona is a strong and vocal advocate for the midwifery profession and the unique contribution that midwifery can make within women’s healthcare when there is recognition of the scope and role of the modern, 21st century, midwife.
In her current role, Fiona leads out on many strategic initiatives to ensure the Rotunda Hospital is a beacon of quality & safety in every aspect of service provision. Fiona also works with a variety of national and international groups and committees providing expert advice on issues relating to maternity care and services. Fiona is a Fellow by Election with the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery at the Royal College of Surgeons (RCSI).
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Coming back to what we know – a Strategic Direction for IADNAM’ is a publication that sets out a map for the work of Irish Association of Directors of Nursing and Midwifery between 2016 and 2020. The Association has invested energy, time and resources in co-designing…